Wednesday, August 19, 2015


I am thankful to be pain free again.

I am happy to be alive and able to serve others.

I get to go to church tonight.

I am slowly but surely cleaning out drawers, relining them, and putting things where they belong.  I have never understood why people keep so many little 'things'.  Things they haven't used in years, many years, and yet they want to keep them on a shelf somewhere.  I am slowly but surely going through these 'things' and getting rid of them.  Either taking to Goodwill or just throwing them away.  Hopefully my children won't have so much to contend with one day.

Hint for today:
Put a sheet of fabric softener underneath each seat in the car to make it smell nice.
For bad odors in cars, put some new ground up coffee beans in area where odor is. Leave for a couple days if possible and vacuum it up. Odor should be gone or at least better smelling.

Cat for today:


  1. I love your header, thanks for the giggles. Hey, Linda, want to come here and do some cleaning out of closets and drawers? (giggles)

    Have a Blessed day, friend.

  2. And when you're finished with Simply Linda's, come over here and do mine. Ha, ha! I love your tip for the day. I'm going to try that in my car.

  3. I love your header! LOL!

    So happy to hear you are feeling better!

  4. I'm glad you are feeling better

  5. I have to much stuff---now that we are cleaning out and packing, after we get moved I will have to think like you.
    Happy you feel new again.

  6. A fun header! Love the cat photo too. I wish I could tackle my drawers and closets and throw things out. Joe is good about not hoarding, but I am a keeper. Sigh. You are so right about it!!

  7. A fun header! Love the cat photo too. I wish I could tackle my drawers and closets and throw things out. Joe is good about not hoarding, but I am a keeper. Sigh. You are so right about it!!

  8. Love the header and I agree! One of my favorite foods is Simply Jiff (low sugar) peanut butter. Can't get enough. Yum!
    So happy to hear you're pain free. I pray it stays that way.
    It's a good idea to get rid of unnecessary items. Your children should thank you for that. I have a dear friend who is a hoarder. I'm just the opposite and sell or donate anything unusable.
    I like your hints. Gotta try the fabric softener underneath each seat trick. Ingenious!
    Luv ~:)

  9. I love the header!
    Glad you are feeling better. I've done the fabric softer sheet tip. I've also put them in drawers where I am storing clothes.
