Wednesday, July 8, 2015


When I was much younger, I thought everything had to be perfect--clothes, hair-do, nails, everything.  As I have aged, I realize that no one is, or ever has been perfect. Our Lord is the only One, then and now.

I was in a group once and they were discussing clothes to wear to church.  One said you should wear only your best.  Another said, ladies in dresses, men in suits.  Another said, just be comfortable - the Lord would want us to be that way.  The one that I remember the most said, 'be clean, be decent, even if you are wearing overalls...make sure they are your best!'  I agree.

I think people today seem to judge more than 'back in the old days', or I just never knew it if they did.  My family was very accepting of any and all people, and my church is that way today.

I just can't seem to do 'wordless Wednesday', so I will leave you with the above thought and wish you a very good day.....whatever you are wearing!  lol

Hint for the day:
This made me think of 'red, and yellow, black or white, they are precious in His sight.'

My cat picture for today:


  1. How true your post is...thank you for sharing...and you know, I can't do Wordless anything, LOL. Have a lovely day, my friend. Blessings

  2. I agree with you completely.
    Cutest little cat photo this a.m.
    Wishing you a nice day. Try to stay cool.

  3. Absolutely! Just be clean and decent:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  4. Clean & Decent--that says it all!

  5. I grew up in a church where you had to wear a dress and even a head covering. Now things are much more casual and I'm glad. Clean and Decent is perfect. God loves us no matter what we wear.

  6. Especially at the one is perfect. I haven't put on makeup since we sense since it just sweats off! Sorry if that's TMI. Cute bunny & cat!

  7. I think people dress to casual today when they go out, I remember when mother wore her white gloves just to go shopping. I don't want to do that but being so casual some look like they have been cleaning house when they shop.
    Today is my first Wordless Wednesday post and that is pretty casual. lol

  8. I just love today's cat picture. How adorable!!

  9. I agree - clean and decent is the best! Cute header and cat picture today!

  10. Another vote for "clean and decent" here too. I wish people would make an effort to dress that way when they shop! So man dress like street walkers with body piercings & tattoos or like the homeless now. Yuck.
    The rabbit would have been on the menu if he'd gotten close to my Boys (the Jack Russell Terrierists). They eat them.
    Luv ~:)
