Sunday, May 31, 2015

Another week gone, or a new week beginning?

The 'move' did not happen yesterday as planned.  It has been moved to Monday now. We shall see if that goes through.

Church for us this morning, and nap this afternoon.  We lead such exciting lives.


  1. Oh, I am sorry for the delay. I know you will feel better when the move is over with. Wishing you a nice morning. Looks like rain here today.

  2. Hmm...on the delay...praying that all will go smooth, keeping you (Murphy and children in prayer). Do you know, since I have been home, no classes, that I have taken a nap everyday, LOL. Been raining here and the temps have dropped to a pleasant 50*. Have a good day, Linda. Blessings

  3. Sounds exactly what my day is gonna look like! Church this morning, nap this afternoon:) After my busy day yesterday, it sounds perfect! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  4. Your day sounds perfect.
    And prayers for all involved with the move. : )

  5. Sorry about the delay. You comment about "this too shall pass" made me laugh. :)
    It was my weekend to work, but I took a short nap when I came home. It felt good!

  6. Most of my days are pretty quiet, too. A little grocery time, some reading and blogging. Wishing that the move goes calmly and well.

  7. Nothing wrong with a nap! Sorry to hear about the delay!

  8. Hope your day was refreshing for you. The header pic made me chuckle :)
    God Bless your Monday!

  9. I find quiet days very enjoyable. I hope all goes smoothly with the move.

  10. That's alright. Your lives are as exciting as ours. *grin* I like it that way, though. Hope the move went well.
    Luv ~:)

  11. I'm sorry to hear about the delay. Sure hope it happens soon, for everyone's sake.
