Saturday, March 14, 2015

If the rain doesn't go away, we are going to be nothing but mud.  Puddles everywhere, leaves or muddy leaves on your shoes when you go out of the house.  Yes, we are very tired of the rain, as our friends up north are tired of the snow.  We all just want some sunshine and bright blue skies, right?

We had a really good time last night at our granddaughter's birthday party.  I took a few pictures, but none really turned out that good.


As it usually is, we brought enough food home for two days!

Jim has always made fun of or teased me about modern technology, and how he would never be interested in learning anything about it.  After getting the cataract taken off my right eye, my vision was very fuzzy or blurry due to the cataract on the left.  I could not see with my current glasses, and the print in my Bible was small.  I have the Bible on my Kindle, so I took it to church.  I noticed Jim looking while I was bringing up the Book and Chapters.  When we got home, he said he thought he might like to use one because of being able to enlarge the font.  I couldn't believe he really wanted one, but sure enough, he asked me to order one for him; I did, and it now has the Bible on it, and large print!  Wonders never cease.

No more news from our house.  Enjoy your weekend.


  1. Oh dear friend, I hear you on the weather! Raining here in upstate NY! At least it is not cold out, like 40*. Sigh--expecting snow Sunday until Tuesday, sigh. I really like your photos, glad you had a nice time...and ooooooo and awww's on your blog design. Have a beautiful day, we are off to the St. Patrick's Day parade soon (short walk, wink). Blessings

  2. The photos are nice. Looks like fun! And I know what you mean about being sick of the yucky weather. It's 72* here but overcast and threatening of rain. Plus I'm sick with a sore throat. Blahhh. *lol* I hope Jim enjoys the new way of reading. I still prefer paper but ask me again in about 10 years. *lol* Have a blessed Saturday folks! ~:)

  3. Fun time at the Japanese restaurant for the Birthday celebration! We always bring home tons of food too and it is just as good the next day:) The rain has stopped here and I am looking forward to a little sunshine! Enjoy your day dear friend! HUGS!

  4. I've never eaten Japanese food, is it a lot like Chinese? When we eat in the restaurant they also serve warm tea with the meal, their special runs through 4pm, and you get a large plate of food, along with an appetizer and a bowl of soup.

    Yes the shot seems to be helping, but when I'm up standing for a long period or getting in and out of the car a lot, it seems to make it hurt more. I tried to do nothing the day of the injection, then the next day I sit while folding a large load of towels and things. Usually I stand.

    Doctor did tell me if the hip keeps hurting he'll see if the insurance would let him give me an injection in the hip, he said it sounds like bursitis. I know the bones in my buttocks will hurt a lot when sitting on something hard too long and it's not because I don't have enough flesh covering it. LOL

    Have a great rest of the week-end.

  5. Your Japanese dinner looks amazing!!!!!!
    So glad you all enjoyed it!
    I hear you on the technology...
    I love to read!!!!!
    At first I was a book in my hand only reader,
    But once I realized that I can enlarge the print on my iPad, there was no going back.
    I can't even make out the words in some of those paper backs!!!!!
    Have a cozy evening! : )

  6. Glad you enjoyed the birthday outing! We always have lots of leftovers too.
    Hope Jim enjoys that Kindle!

  7. Dealing with the mud is almost worse than dealing with the snow and ice. How great that Jim is now "connected"!! Looks like the birthday dinner was delicious and fun!!

  8. I love Japanese food; what a nice birthday treat.
    It is wonderful to be able to enlarge the print. I have an eye appt. Wed. and I'm sure I need new glasses.
    I hope Jim is still improving and I pray you both rest well tonight. Mildred
