Tuesday, September 8, 2015


It was always hard going back to work after a holiday weekend.  Yes, the work week was shorter, but the work itself was heavier.  I like not having that to face now that I am retired.

Somewhere from someone over the weekend, gave me a 'bug'.  I have been sneezing, coughing, upset stomach, runny nose and all that makes me miserable.  I don't do'sick' very well.  Went to bed at 8 last night, but kept hearing this and that, so didn't really sleep all that good.  The only thing we have to do today is pick up Jesse and/or Rayven from school this afternoon. Maybe I can sneak a nap before that.

l mailed the first CD that I made of my Sunday School class to the sister of my teacher.  She is bed bound in a nursing home, so I am hoping she will enjoy listening to own sister teaching the Word of God.

The lady in our church that I mentioned who has cancer in several places in her body, is having the first of many surgeries next week.  We hope to have our love offering ready to give her before she goes to the hospital.  So much to face, and has so little.  Please pray for Melissa.

Hint for today:

Cat picture for today:
(he said the box shrunk)


  1. I had the sniffles yesterday and felt that perhaps it was the sinus junk! So far so good today:) Praying for you, your friend and ALL that we know and love! Have a blessed and feel better kinda day, HUGS!

  2. I am knocking on wood as I type this, but it's been a good long while since I had a cold. I do my best to avoid sick people and wash my hands and/or sanitize constantly when I've been out in the public. You can pick up nasty stuff from shopping cards and door knobs, too (as you well know). I hope it doesn't last too long for you! Cats are so funny about boxes. Cute capture! I use a grapefruit spoon to cut off the strawberry stems. It works so well for me. Take care!

  3. I worked the weekend and have today off! That's a nice switch!
    There's lots of colds going on here too. Hope you feel better soon.

  4. Sorry to hear about the 'bug'. I hate getting one of those. Hope you heal quickly. Seems as if every time I shop at Wally World one of the skuzzy Wal-Martians give me an unwanted present. Ugh.
    I said a prayer for the lady in y'alls Church. May it please our merciful Lord God to heal her quickly and may all her debts be manageable. Keep us posted, 'k? Bless her heart.
    Hope your day is blessed. ~:)

  5. Could you be fighting allergies instead of a cold? Oh, my allergies were so bad on Saturday but have seemed to clear up now. Hope that's all it is for you.

    I will keep the lady at your church in my prayers. Please let us know how she is doing.
