Wednesday, May 13, 2015


I know I complain at times and need or want this or that, but truthfully, I am blessed more than I can say.

I lay down at night and thank God for the riches of a roof over my head, food to eat, and a loving family. So many people cannot say that.  I have a heart for 'street people'.  It really bothers me to see them pushing a grocery store buggy with everything they own in it, or to see one sleeping on a bench downtown.  I always think that somewhere they have a mother or father or some family who is worried about them.  

I have read articles about people who choose that life style, and I saw one on TV once.  He was young, looked healthy and told the man interviewing him, that he wanted to know what it was like to wake up every morning and not know if he would eat that day.  Now, for me, that is no life.

I need to be more thankful in the mornings, as I am at night, for all God has given and continues to give, to me each day.


  1. I have a cousin who chose to be homeless for years...we could never understand why, since he had a very large loving family...

  2. You are right, Linda. If you frequent doctor's offices, hospitals, and even WalMart, you can always see folks who are struggling far worse. John and I both are having trouble walking currently BUT the other day when parking, the man next to us only had one leg. As the saying goes, we never know what struggles one is bearing. Wishing you a nice day. God bless.

  3. Always good to remember the good things and focus on the positives!

  4. There is always something to be thankful for! I really like your header today. I have a niece with Crouzon's disease, a skull and facial bone deformity. She has had so many surgeries, from the time she was a newborn. My sister always said that when she started feeling sorry for herself, sitting in the peds department after another surgery, she would see Mothers with children who had worse things, and she would then remind herself to be thankful!

  5. Me too, me too, me too:) I am thankful for simple things this morning! Sending HUGS your way!

  6. We all have so many blessings, Linda. You are so right that we need to be always thankful. I count you as one of my blessings, by the way!
